NEW IN 2024 - Support Network Groups may not offer classes more than two days per week for any given grade level. This applies to full-day programs, not those offering a la carte classes. If you have any questions, please contact the office before applying.

  • Private School Satellite Program - A type of private school in which parents are the primary teachers of their own children. A PSP files one affidavit covering all enrolled families. It meets the requirements of California Education Code 48222.

  • A group whose primary focus is providing community for homeschool families through a variety of social activities; offering support and encouragement to parents in all aspects of homeschooling. The group does not file an affidavit; each family is responsible for fulfilling the legal requirements for exemption from compulsory education for their own children.

  • A group which is parent-led and focuses on a single subject area or style of teaching. Examples include a sports league, speech and debate, nature studies, Charlotte Mason, unit studies, literary club, etc.

  • A program that offers homeschool families community primarily through classes, but also hosts some additional activities; parents determine course of study; teachers may or may not be paid; each family is responsible for fulfilling the legal requirements for exemption from compulsory education for their own children.

CHEA reserves the right to reassign your group's category after reviewing your application.

  • Support or activities specifically for families with preschoolers

  • Support or activities specifically for teens/families with teens

  • Music, theater, dance, fine arts, etc.

(unit studies, Charlotte Mason, classical, etc.)

  • (We will not give referrals to your group if it is closed.)

  • Disclaimer: CHEA does not recommend groups have no physical contact with families enrolled in your program.


Your listing on CHEA's Homeschool Directory includes the name of your group, type of group, address, list of special services you offer, phone number, email address, website, and a brief description. You may choose not to include your phone number or email address. However, your listing must include some way for a visitor to our website to contact you. CHEA's Homeschool Directory is accessible to the public.  

IMPORTANT! Please let us know your wishes by marking one of the following choices:


All levels of Support Network Memberships include an individual CHEA Membership for the primary leader of the school, group, or organization. All applicants, please choose a plan before continuing your application. 

  • Groups of 11 families or more

  • For groups with 10 families or less

  • Includes 2 Leadership Conference admissions

  • Includes 2 Leadership Conference admissions, email ad, Convention program ad


Additional Leaders
All Support Network Memberships include a subscription to CHEA's bimonthly Support Network News. You have permission to forward the Support Network News to your leadership team.

If you have leaders who are CHEA members that you would like to be included in Support Network communications directly, please list their name and address below.

We value your privacy. We will never sell or share your personal information. You may unsubscribe at any time.

Leaders Only Facebook Group

All Memberships also include an invitation to CHEA's Support Network private Facebook group. You can include other members of your leadership team in this invitation. This invitation is for current CHEA Members only. After your application has been accepted, you will receive an email with information about how to join this group.

New Leadership?

The California Homeschool Manual
Support Network groups must have the most current edition of The California Homeschool Manual. If you or your group do not yet own the most current edition, you must purchase a copy.

  • choose one of the following options:

Level 450 Membership includes one banner ad in our digital e-news publication and a 1/4-page vertical ad in the Annual Convention Program. Ad spec requirements and deadlines will be provided via email after your application has been accepted and processed.

Please list the month you prefer your e-news ad to be published below. We cannot guarantee space availability, but we will do our best to fill your request.

Advertising options are available for purchase for all Support Network Members. Please contact [email protected] for more information.


1. I am a Christian in agreement with CHEA’s Statement of Faith And Mission Statement.

I have read and am in agreement with CHEA's Statement of Faith and Mission Statement.

2. I will cooperate with CHEA by engaging only Christians in positions of responsibility and leadership within our group or organization.

3. I will ensure that our members understand that our group will operate as a Christian group according to the principles of Scripture, even though our membership may include persons of another conviction.

4. I will support CHEA and its Support Network by conducting myself in a Christian manner while serving members of my group and my community.

5. No leader in our group is a leader of, enrolled in, nor employed by a public school program which enrolls home educators.

6. No Support Network group, organization, or group leader, directly or indirectly, shall also be a public charter school vendor.

7. No Support Network leader or anyone who resides in the group leader’s home has been charged with crimes against children.

8. I will encourage members of my group, as well as other homeschoolers in my area, to become CHEA Members.

9. If I am on social media, I will engage with CHEA online by following, liking, sharing, retweeting, etc.

10. I will pass on news of CHEA events to homeschoolers in my area.

11. I will keep CHEA informed of local events by including a CHEA Regional Advisory Board Member on our local newsletter mailing list, e-news, Facebook group, or whatever means of communication that I use.

12. I will notify CHEA of leadership changes in our group during the membership year.

13. I understand that all Support Network Memberships are effective from September 1 and expire on August 31, regardless of my enrollment date.

14. Our group does not offer full-day classes more than two days per week for any given grade. 

I have read CHEA’s Support Network Membership Agreement, and my group is in compliance with it.

Signature and Date
(By entering your name in the box below, you are providing your signature indicating that all the information on this form is true and accurate, to the best of your knowledge.)

Extra CHEA membership option:

You can bless one of your group members by gifting them with a Friend Membership (discounted as one of the Support Network benefits). Please contact the office with their information. This is a great giveaway for a meeting!

  • By providing your credit card information below, you are authorizing CHEA of California to charge your credit card.

  • Please mail your check to:
    CHEA of California
    PO Box 1325
    Santa Clarita, CA 91386-1325

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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